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Banner Webinar: Monatlich kostenlose Kennenlern- und Fallwebinare für Neu-Interessierte und erfahrene Benutzer:innen

Webinars --- Registration

Free introductory webinars: Product information, product and case questions
A link will be sent in good time by e-mail
Management: Lothar Steinke
(Usually in German. Call or Mail for a webinar in english)

Content: A 30-minute presentation will introduce the bonding board and related products.
Afterwards, questions can be asked. For example, use a case question to test whether the bonding board is useful in your practice.

The usefulness and versatility of the bonding board is best seen by demonstrating specific case situations. It is therefore desirable to bring in case studies, which can be visualized and discussed directly on the bonding board. You describe very briefly the case situation. Then it will be sketched how the bonding board could be used here. If necessary, a conversation can also be simulated directly, for example with you in the role of the client.

This is an introductory event. It therefore makes sense to bring forward simpler case studies, as there is too little time for complex cases. You are welcome to describe your case briefly in an e-mail to hello(at) It is also possible to make a preliminary telephone appointment beforehand.

You already know the bonding board? Then log in 20-30 minutes later and join the QA session and case discussion.
Information on courses can be found here: