- University of Rostock, team of the validation study attachment diagnostics,
Prof. Dr. phil. Henri Julius & Ronja Bohnenkamp, Study Management - Lucerne University of Teacher Education PHLU, Master’s program in Special Needs Education
- Intercantonal University of Special Needs Education HfH, Zurich, Institute for Behavioral, Socio-Emotional and Psychomotor Developmental Support
- Hogrefe Editor and Testcenter, Distribution, Göttingen
- K2-Verlag, Distribution, Büsingen
- Association Attachment Network
- Koboldgames, Game and App Design, Brugg
- Piksieben, game manufacturer, Wilkau-Haßlau
- Cafol GmbH, Shipping/Fulfillment, Leipzig
- Julia Herzog, Graphic Design, Zurich
- Team of the association Kunstsilo, office and course rooms, Lucerne-Emmen
- Dr. iur. Partick Troller, Patent Attorney, Lucerne
- Leanrun, startup consulting, Lucerne
- Asermo, Insurance Consulting, Lucerne
- MyClimate, CO2 compensation, Zurich
- And many others who support me… Thank you!